You are here: Customers > Customer Transactions > Account Refund

Account Refund

This function can only be accessed by a button programmed on the POS Screen.

If there are no available payments that can be refunded, you will be informed with a window.

A refund will be able to be given if payments have been made that exceeded what was owed on the customer account.



Open a sale and add a Customer to it.

The details of the amounts owed or value in credit will be displayed on screen.



Press the Account Refund button on your POS screen and a new window will open, detailing the transactions that can be refunded.

Only the Outstanding amounts are able to be refunded.

If an Account Refund button cannot be found on the POS screen, this button may need to be created.

Refer to the Creating New Buttons topic for more information about creating a new button.

Note that the Function which needs to be used when creating the button is "Account Refund".



Select the transaction you want to refund and click Refund.

You will be taken to the Tender screen where you select the tender to refund the monies to.



After selecting the tender to refund the monies to, the POS Screen will show the details of the refund and a receipt will be printed for the transaction.



A receipt will also print for the transaction.